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Best Practices for Implementing NetSuite's Project Accounting Features

Best Practices for Implementing NetSuite’s Project Accounting Features

In today’s fast-paced business environment, effective project management and accurate financial tracking are crucial for success. NetSuite’s project accounting features offer a powerful solution for organizations looking to streamline their project-related financial processes. This comprehensive guide will explore best practices for implementing NetSuite’s project accounting features, helping you maximize efficiency, improve accuracy, and boost profitability.

Understanding NetSuite’s Project Accounting Capabilities

Before diving into implementation best practices, it’s essential to understand the breadth of NetSuite’s project accounting capabilities. As a cloud-based ERP solution, NetSuite offers a unified platform that integrates project management, financial management, and resource planning. Its project accounting features include:

  1. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): Create detailed project hierarchies to organize tasks and deliverables.
  2. Project Costing: Track and allocate costs accurately across projects and tasks.
  3. Resource Allocation: Optimize resource utilization across multiple projects.
  4. Time Tracking: Capture employee time spent on project tasks efficiently.
  5. Expense Management: Streamline the process of recording and approving project-related expenses.
  6. Billing Rules: Set up flexible billing arrangements for different project types.
  7. Revenue Recognition: Automate revenue recognition processes in compliance with accounting standards.
  8. Project Budgeting: Create and manage project budgets to keep costs under control.
  9. Gantt Charts: Visualize project timelines and dependencies.
  10. Milestone Tracking: Monitor project progress against key milestones.

Now, let’s explore the best practices for implementing these features effectively.

  1. Start with a Clear Project Accounting Strategy
    Before diving into the technical aspects of implementation, it’s crucial to develop a clear project accounting strategy. This involves:
    – Identifying your organization’s specific project accounting needs
    – Defining key performance indicators (KPIs) for project success
    – Establishing standardized processes for project initiation, execution, and closure
    – Determining how project data will integrate with your overall financial management system
    A well-defined strategy will guide your implementation process and ensure that NetSuite’s project accounting features align with your business objectives. Take the time to involve key stakeholders from various departments, including finance, project management, and operations. Their input will be invaluable in creating a comprehensive strategy that addresses the needs of all areas of your business.
    Consider conducting a thorough analysis of your current project accounting processes. Identify pain points, inefficiencies, and areas where manual work is causing delays or errors. This analysis will help you prioritize which NetSuite features to implement first and where you’re likely to see the most significant improvements.
  1. Customize Your Project Accounting Dashboard
    NetSuite’s flexibility allows for extensive dashboard customization. Take advantage of this by creating role-specific dashboards that provide relevant project accounting information at a glance. Consider including:
    – Project profitability metrics
    – Resource utilization rates
    – Upcoming milestones and deadlines
    – Budget vs. actual cost comparisons
    – Time and expense approval queues
    By tailoring dashboards to different roles (e.g., project managers, executives, accountants), you’ll empower your team with the right information to make informed decisions quickly.
    When designing dashboards, think carefully about the most critical information each role needs to see daily. For project managers, this might include a list of overdue tasks, resource conflicts, and upcoming milestones. For executives, a high-level view of project profitability and overall portfolio performance might be more appropriate.
    Don’t forget to include actionable elements in your dashboards. For example, include links that allow users to drill down into detailed reports or take immediate action on approvals or issues. This approach can significantly improve user adoption and the overall efficiency of your project accounting processes.
  1. Implement a Robust Work Breakdown Structure
    A well-designed Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is the foundation of effective project accounting. When implementing NetSuite’s WBS feature:
    – Create a standardized WBS template for common project types
    – Ensure your WBS aligns with your organization’s cost centers and job costing structure
    – Use a consistent naming convention for tasks and subtasks
    – Include appropriate levels of detail without overcomplicating the structure
    A properly implemented WBS will facilitate accurate cost allocation, resource planning, and progress tracking throughout the project lifecycle.
    When creating your WBS templates, involve experienced project managers who understand the nuances of different project types in your organization. Their insights can help ensure that your WBS structures are practical and reflect real-world project execution.
    Consider implementing a phased approach to WBS detail. Start with a high-level structure and allow project managers to add more detailed tasks as the project progresses. This approach can provide flexibility while maintaining overall consistency across projects.
  1. Optimize Resource Allocation and Utilization
    Efficient resource management is key to project profitability. Leverage NetSuite’s resource allocation features by:
    – Maintaining up-to-date resource profiles with skills, rates, and availability
    – Using the capacity planning tools to balance workloads across your team
    – Implementing a formal resource request and approval process
    – Regularly reviewing resource utilization reports to identify and address inefficiencies
    By optimizing resource allocation, you’ll improve project delivery times and maximize billable hours.
    Consider implementing a skills matrix within NetSuite to track and manage your team’s capabilities. This can help project managers quickly identify the right resources for specific tasks and highlight areas where additional training or hiring may be necessary.
    Don’t overlook the importance of non-billable time in your resource planning. Account for activities like training, internal meetings, and administrative tasks to ensure you have a realistic view of resource availability.
  1. Streamline Time and Expense Tracking
    Accurate time and expense tracking is crucial for project accounting. Implement best practices such as:
    – Configuring user-friendly timesheet entry interfaces
    – Setting up mobile time and expense entry for remote workers
    – Establishing clear approval workflows for timesheets and expenses
    – Using NetSuite’s time tracking reminders to ensure timely submissions
    Consider integrating NetSuite with specialized time tracking tools if your organization has complex time tracking needs.
    To encourage accurate and timely time tracking, consider implementing a policy where incomplete timesheets affect project status reports or resource availability. This can help reinforce the importance of timely data entry across your organization.
    For expense management, take advantage of NetSuite’s ability to set up expense policies and automated approval routings. This can help ensure compliance with company policies and speed up the reimbursement process.
  1. Implement Flexible Billing Rules
    NetSuite’s billing rule capabilities allow you to handle various project billing scenarios. To maximize this feature:
    – Set up billing rules for different project types (e.g., fixed price, time and materials)
    – Configure milestone-based billing for long-term projects
    – Implement automatic billing schedule generation based on project parameters
    – Use percentage of completion billing for appropriate projects
    Flexible billing rules will help you maintain cash flow and align revenue recognition with project progress.
    When setting up billing rules, consider the impact on your clients. While automated billing can improve your internal efficiency, it’s important to ensure that your billing practices align with client expectations and contract terms.
    For complex projects, consider implementing a combination of billing methods. For example, you might use milestone billing for major deliverables and time and materials billing for change requests or additional services.
  1. Automate Revenue Recognition
    Proper revenue recognition is critical for accurate financial reporting. Take advantage of NetSuite’s revenue recognition features by:
    – Configuring revenue recognition rules that comply with relevant accounting standards (e.g., ASC 606)
    – Setting up automatic revenue recognition schedules based on project milestones or percentage of completion
    – Implementing controls to prevent premature revenue recognition
    – Regularly reconciling recognized revenue with project progress
    Automating revenue recognition will save time and reduce the risk of compliance issues.
    When implementing revenue recognition rules, work closely with your finance team to ensure that the automated processes align with your organization’s accounting policies and any industry-specific regulations.
    Consider setting up alerts or reports that flag unusual revenue recognition patterns. This can help you quickly identify and investigate any potential issues before they become significant problems.
  1. Leverage Project Templates
    For organizations that frequently undertake similar projects, NetSuite’s project templates can be a game-changer. Best practices for using project templates include:
    – Creating comprehensive templates for common project types
    – Including standard WBS, resource requirements, and budget estimates in templates
    – Regularly reviewing and updating templates based on lessons learned
    – Training project managers on how to effectively use and customize templates
    Well-designed project templates can significantly reduce setup time for new projects and promote consistency across your organization.
    When creating templates, don’t just focus on the project structure. Include standard documents, checklists, and even common risks and mitigation strategies. This comprehensive approach can help ensure that best practices are consistently applied across all projects.
    Consider implementing a formal process for template review and updates. This might involve quarterly meetings where project managers share their experiences and suggest improvements to the templates.
  1. Implement Robust Change Order Management
    Change orders can significantly impact project profitability if not managed properly. Implement a change order management process in NetSuite that includes:
    – A standardized change order request form
    – Automated approval workflows for change orders
    – Integration of approved change orders into the project WBS and budget
    – Clear tracking of change order impacts on project timelines and profitability
    Effective change order management will help maintain project profitability and client satisfaction.
    When implementing change order processes, consider setting up automatic notifications to key stakeholders when significant changes are approved. This can help ensure that everyone is aware of how the project scope, timeline, or budget has been affected.
    Don’t forget to include change order analysis in your regular project review meetings. This can help identify trends and potentially lead to improvements in initial project scoping and estimation.
  1. Utilize NetSuite’s Project Accounting Reporting Capabilities
    NetSuite offers powerful reporting tools for project accounting. To make the most of these features:
    – Create a suite of standard project accounting reports (e.g., project profitability, resource utilization, budget variance)
    – Set up automated report distribution to key stakeholders
    – Utilize NetSuite’s saved search functionality to create custom reports
    – Implement real-time project dashboards for at-a-glance performance monitoring
    Robust reporting will provide the insights needed to make data-driven decisions and continuously improve project performance.
    When designing your reporting suite, think beyond just financial metrics. Include operational KPIs that can help project managers identify and address issues early. For example, you might create reports that highlight tasks with approaching deadlines or resources nearing capacity limits.
    Consider implementing a regular “project health check” report that combines financial and operational metrics to give a holistic view of project performance. This can be a valuable tool for both project managers and executives

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  1. Implement Multi-currency and Multi-subsidiary Management
    For organizations operating across borders, NetSuite’s multi-currency and multi-subsidiary capabilities are crucial. Best practices include:
    – Setting up accurate currency exchange rate management
    – Configuring intercompany transaction handling for cross-subsidiary projects
    – Implementing consolidated reporting across multiple currencies and subsidiaries
    – Establishing clear processes for managing currency fluctuations in project budgets and billing
    Proper implementation of these features will simplify financial management for global projects.
    When dealing with multi-currency projects, consider setting up alerts for significant exchange rate fluctuations. This can help project managers proactively address potential budget impacts.
    For multi-subsidiary operations, ensure that your chart of accounts and financial segments are set up to support easy consolidation and reporting across different entities.
  2. Leverage SuiteScript for Custom Automation
    While NetSuite offers extensive out-of-the-box functionality, SuiteScript can be used to create custom automations for your specific needs. Consider using SuiteScript to:
    – Automate complex project setup processes
    – Create custom approval workflows
    – Develop specialized project accounting reports
    – Integrate NetSuite with other business-critical systems
    When implementing custom scripts, ensure they are well-documented and follow NetSuite’s best practices for script development.
    Before diving into custom development, thoroughly evaluate whether your needs can be met through configuration of existing NetSuite features. Custom scripts can be powerful, but they also introduce complexity and potential maintenance challenges.
    If you do implement custom scripts, establish a formal change management and testing process to ensure that updates to NetSuite or your scripts don’t disrupt critical business processes.
  3. Implement Earned Value Management
    For complex projects, consider implementing Earned Value Management (EVM) using NetSuite’s project accounting features. This involves:
    – Setting up appropriate cost and schedule performance metrics
    – Configuring NetSuite to calculate and report on earned value metrics
    – Training project managers on how to interpret and act on EVM data
    – Integrating EVM reporting into regular project review processes
    EVM can provide valuable insights into project performance and help identify potential issues early.
    When implementing EVM, start with a pilot project to refine your processes and reporting before rolling it out across all projects. This can help you identify and address any challenges in a controlled environment.
    Consider creating a dashboard specifically for EVM metrics, allowing project managers to quickly assess project health and identify areas requiring attention.
  4. Optimize Subcontractor Management
    Many projects involve subcontractors, and managing them effectively is crucial for project success. Implement best practices such as:
    – Setting up subcontractor records with accurate rates and terms
    – Implementing a subcontractor time and expense approval process
    – Configuring automated subcontractor payments based on approved time and expenses
    – Including subcontractor costs in project profitability calculations
    Effective subcontractor management will help control costs and ensure project quality.
    Consider implementing a subcontractor performance rating system within NetSuite. This can help project managers make informed decisions when selecting subcontractors for future projects.
    Don’t forget to include subcontractor management in your project templates and WBS structures. This can help ensure consistent processes across all projects involving external resources.
  5. Implement Comprehensive Audit Trails
    For compliance and accountability, it’s essential to maintain detailed audit trails. Utilize NetSuite’s audit trail features by:
    – Configuring comprehensive logging for all project-related transactions
    – Implementing role-based access control to sensitive project data
    – Regularly reviewing audit logs for unusual activity
    – Ensuring audit trails are included in your data backup and retention policies
    Robust audit trails will help maintain data integrity and simplify audits.
    Consider setting up automated alerts for certain types of changes or activities. For example, you might want to be notified if project budgets are modified or if certain high-value transactions occur.
    Regularly review and update your access controls to ensure that users only have access to the data and functions necessary for their roles. This can help prevent unauthorized changes and protect sensitive information.
  6. Continuous Improvement and Training
    Implementing NetSuite’s project accounting features is not a one-time event. To ensure long-term success:
    – Regularly review and optimize your project accounting processes
    – Stay updated on new NetSuite features and evaluate their potential benefits
    – Provide ongoing training to users on best practices and new functionality
    – Encourage feedback from users and act on improvement suggestions
    By fostering a culture of continuous improvement, you’ll maximize the value of your NetSuite implementation over time.
    Consider establishing a “NetSuite champions” program, where power users from different departments are trained to provide first-line support and gather improvement ideas from their colleagues.
    Regularly schedule “lessons learned” sessions after major projects to identify areas where your NetSuite implementation could be improved to better support project execution and accounting.


Implementing NetSuite’s project accounting features effectively can transform your organization’s ability to manage projects profitably and efficiently. By following these best practices, you’ll be well-positioned to leverage the full power of NetSuite’s project accounting capabilities.
Remember that successful implementation is an ongoing process. It requires a commitment to continuous improvement, user training, and staying abreast of new features and capabilities. With dedication and the right approach, you can turn NetSuite’s project accounting features into a significant competitive advantage for your organization.
As you embark on your implementation journey, consider working with experienced NetSuite partners who can provide guidance tailored to your specific industry and organizational needs. Their expertise can help you avoid common pitfalls and accelerate your path to realizing the full benefits of NetSuite’s project accounting features.
By embracing these best practices and leveraging the power of NetSuite’s cloud-based ERP solution, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle even the most complex project accounting challenges, driving improved profitability and operational efficiency across your organization.
Finally, remember that technology is just one part of the equation. Successful project accounting also relies on having the right processes in place and a team that understands the importance of accurate and timely data entry. Invest in your people, providing them with the training and support they need to make the most of NetSuite’s powerful features.
With a well-implemented NetSuite project accounting system, you’ll have the tools you need to make informed decisions, deliver projects on time and on budget, and drive your business forward in an increasingly competitive marketplace.


Global trade compliance refers to adhering to international laws, regulations, and standards that govern trade across borders. It is crucial for businesses because non-compliance can lead to severe penalties, legal actions, and loss of trading privileges. Effective compliance helps businesses avoid these risks and ensures smooth international operations.

NetSuite supports global trade compliance by providing a suite of integrated tools that automate and streamline various compliance processes. These tools help manage export controls, classify goods using Harmonized System (HS) codes, automate documentation, check against restricted party lists, and manage necessary licenses. This reduces the risk of non-compliance and enhances operational efficiency.

Businesses face several challenges with international trade compliance, including navigating complex customs regulations, managing export controls, obtaining proper documentation, and ensuring they are not trading with restricted entities. Each country has different regulations, making compliance a dynamic and often complicated process. Failure to comply can result in delays, penalties, or legal issues.

NetSuite automates compliance management by checking transactions against restricted party lists, embargoed countries, and denied entities automatically. It also automates the classification of goods using HS codes, manages export licenses, and generates necessary documentation. These automated processes help prevent errors and ensure compliance with the latest regulations.

NetSuite simplifies the management of customs regulations and export controls by automating the classification of goods and managing tariff classifications. It ensures that goods are accurately classified, reducing delays and penalties at customs. Additionally, it automates the process of obtaining and managing export licenses, essential for companies dealing with restricted technologies or goods.

NetSuite’s documentation automation tools help businesses generate and manage all necessary paperwork required for international trade, such as export and import licenses, certificates of origin, and end-use certificates. This automation reduces the administrative burden, minimizes errors, and ensures compliance with international documentation requirements.

NetSuite provides tools to manage compliance with international sanctions and trade agreements. It automates the determination of the country of origin, duty optimization, and compliance with Free Trade Agreements (FTAs). This allows businesses to benefit from favorable trade terms while ensuring they meet all regulatory requirements.

NetSuite offers end-to-end visibility into the supply chain, allowing businesses to monitor the movement of goods, identify potential bottlenecks, and respond quickly to disruptions. By providing real-time updates and alerts, NetSuite helps businesses mitigate risks associated with delays, regulatory changes, and other supply chain issues.

NetSuite automates tax calculations for multi-currency transactions, ensuring accurate tax reporting and compliance with local tax laws. It considers different tax rates and regulations for each country, reducing the risk of errors and ensuring businesses remain compliant with cross-border taxation requirements.

Yes, NetSuite’s flexibility and scalability allow for integration with customs brokerage and Global Trade Management (GTM) systems. This integration helps businesses handle customs-related activities efficiently, including customs clearance, valuation, and documentation, ensuring that all compliance requirements are met and reducing the risk of delays at customs.