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How NetSuite Advanced Manufacturing Helps Companies Streamline Their Production Capabilities

In today’s fast-paced and highly competitive business environment, manufacturing companies face numerous challenges in managing their production processes effectively. From ensuring efficient material planning and inventory management to maintaining quality control and compliance, every aspect of the manufacturing cycle requires meticulous attention and streamlined operations. Fortunately, NetSuite Advanced Manufacturing, a comprehensive solution from Oracle NetSuite, empowers businesses to tackle these challenges head-on, enabling them to optimize their production capabilities and stay ahead of the curve.

Understanding the Importance of Advanced Manufacturing

Advanced Manufacturing is a critical component of NetSuite’s suite of cloud-based solutions designed specifically for manufacturers. It offers a comprehensive set of tools and features tailored to meet the unique needs of modern manufacturing operations. By integrating various aspects of production, from material planning and shop floor control to quality management and compliance, Advanced Manufacturing provides a centralized platform for businesses to manage their entire manufacturing lifecycle efficiently.

Streamlining Production with Work Orders and Routings

 At the core of Advanced Manufacturing lies the ability to create and manage Work Orders, which serve as the backbone of the production process. Work Orders encapsulate all the necessary information, including the Bill of Materials (BOM), routings, and instructions, ensuring that every step of the manufacturing process is well-defined and easily accessible.

Routings, an essential component of Work Orders, provide a clear and structured roadmap for the manufacturing process. They define the sequence of operations, resource requirements, and estimated timelines, enabling businesses to optimize their production workflows and minimize bottlenecks. By integrating Routings with Advanced Manufacturing, companies can streamline their production processes, improve efficiency, and enhance overall productivity.

For example, a company manufacturing electronic devices can create Work Orders for each product line, outlining the specific components, assembly steps, and resources required. Routings can then be defined to ensure that the assembly process follows a logical and optimized sequence, minimizing unnecessary movements and maximizing throughput.

Material Requirements Planning (MRP) and Capacity Planning

Effective material planning is crucial for maintaining smooth and uninterrupted production operations. NetSuite Advanced Manufacturing’s Material Requirements Planning (MRP) functionality allows businesses to accurately forecast material needs based on sales orders, work orders, and inventory levels. By leveraging MRP, companies can ensure that the right materials are available at the right time, minimizing delays and reducing the risk of stockouts.

For instance, a furniture manufacturer can use MRP to plan and procure the necessary raw materials, such as wood, hardware, and upholstery, based on their production schedule and customer orders. This helps to avoid costly production delays due to material shortages and ensures a consistent supply of materials for uninterrupted operations.

Furthermore, Advanced Manufacturing’s Capacity Planning capabilities enable businesses to optimize their resource allocation and production schedules. By analyzing historical data, current workloads, and future demand, companies can identify potential capacity constraints and make informed decisions to maximize their production capabilities. This proactive approach helps businesses avoid production bottlenecks, improve lead times, and enhance overall operational efficiency.

A manufacturing company producing automotive parts can utilize Capacity Planning to assess their machinery and labor capacity against the upcoming demand. By identifying potential bottlenecks in advance, they can take proactive measures, such as adding additional shifts, acquiring new equipment, or outsourcing specific operations, to ensure they can meet customer demands without compromising quality or delivery times.

Shop Floor Control and Quality Management

NetSuite Advanced Manufacturing empowers businesses with robust Shop Floor Control features, enabling them to monitor and manage the entire production process in real-time. From tracking Work in Progress (WIP) to monitoring machine performance and capturing labor data, these capabilities provide comprehensive visibility into the shop floor operations.

For example, a precision engineering company can leverage Shop Floor Control to track the progress of each Work Order, monitor machine utilization, and capture employee time and attendance data. This real-time visibility allows for quick identification and resolution of any issues, ensuring that production runs smoothly and efficiently.

Quality Management is another critical aspect of Advanced Manufacturing, ensuring that products meet the highest standards and comply with industry regulations. The solution offers extensive features for managing quality control processes, including Lot Traceability, which enables businesses to track and trace products throughout the entire supply chain. This is particularly important in industries such as food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, and aerospace, where product safety and quality are paramount.

Additionally, Advanced Manufacturing supports Lean Manufacturing principles, such as Kanban and continuous improvement methodologies, helping companies streamline their operations and eliminate waste. For instance, a manufacturing company can implement a Kanban system to optimize their inventory levels and reduce work-in-progress (WIP), resulting in improved efficiency and reduced costs.

Demand Planning and Finite Scheduling

Accurate demand forecasting is essential for effective production planning and resource allocation. NetSuite Advanced Manufacturing’s Demand Planning capabilities leverage advanced algorithms and historical data to generate reliable demand forecasts, enabling businesses to anticipate future demand and adjust their production plans accordingly.

For example, a consumer electronics manufacturer can utilize Demand Planning to forecast demand for their products based on historical sales data, market trends, and promotional activities. This allows them to plan their production schedules and material requirements accordingly, minimizing the risk of over-production or stockouts.

Furthermore, Finite Scheduling functionality allows companies to optimize their production schedules by considering various constraints, such as machine availability, material procurement lead times, and labor resources. By leveraging Finite Scheduling, businesses can minimize production delays, increase throughput, and improve overall operational efficiency.

A metal fabrication company can use Finite Scheduling to plan their production schedules while accounting for factors such as machine maintenance schedules, skilled labor availability, and raw material delivery times. This ensures that their production runs efficiently, without unnecessary bottlenecks or delays.

Manufacturing Execution System (MES) and Internet of Things (IoT) Integration

NetSuite Advanced Manufacturing integrates seamlessly with Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), providing businesses with real-time visibility into their production processes. This integration allows for data exchange between the MES and NetSuite, enabling automated data capture, machine monitoring, and production tracking.

For instance, a high-volume manufacturing facility can integrate their MES with NetSuite Advanced Manufacturing to capture real-time data from production lines, such as cycle times, production counts, and machine performance metrics. This integration streamlines data collection, reduces manual errors, and provides valuable insights for optimizing production processes.

Additionally, Advanced Manufacturing supports Internet of Things (IoT) integration, allowing businesses to connect their manufacturing equipment and sensors to the cloud-based platform. This integration facilitates real-time monitoring of machine performance, predictive maintenance, and data-driven decision-making, enabling companies to optimize their production processes and enhance overall operational efficiency.

A modern smart factory can leverage IoT integration to monitor their production equipment in real-time, capturing data on temperature, vibration, and other performance indicators. This data can be analyzed to identify potential issues before they occur, enabling proactive maintenance and minimizing unplanned downtime.

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Compliance Management and Inventory Management

Ensuring compliance with industry regulations and quality standards is a critical aspect of manufacturing operations. NetSuite Advanced Manufacturing offers robust Compliance Management features, enabling businesses to maintain accurate records, manage audits, and adhere to regulatory requirements with ease.

For example, a medical device manufacturer must comply with strict regulations set by the FDA and other governing bodies. Advanced Manufacturing’s Compliance Management capabilities allow them to maintain detailed records of their production processes, material traceability, and quality control measures, ensuring they meet all regulatory requirements and can provide documentation during audits.

Furthermore, Advanced Manufacturing’s Inventory Management capabilities provide businesses with complete visibility and control over their inventory levels. From managing multiple versions of BOMs to tracking inventory across multiple locations, the solution empowers companies to optimize their inventory levels, reduce carrying costs, and minimize the risk of stockouts or excess inventory.

A multinational manufacturer with production facilities in several countries can leverage Advanced Manufacturing’s Inventory Management features to track their inventory levels across all locations, manage different BOM versions for various product lines, and optimize their inventory levels based on demand forecasts and production schedules. This helps them reduce carrying costs, minimize obsolete inventory, and ensure a seamless supply of materials for their global operations.

Production Reporting and Analytics

Advanced Manufacturing offers comprehensive Production Reporting and Analytics capabilities, enabling businesses to gain valuable insights into their manufacturing operations. With customizable reports and real-time dashboards, companies can monitor key performance indicators (KPIs), identify bottlenecks, and make data-driven decisions to continually improve their processes.

For instance, a manufacturing company can create custom reports to track production efficiency, quality metrics, and resource utilization. Real-time dashboards can provide visibility into critical KPIs, such as on-time delivery rates, scrap rates, and cycle times. Armed with these insights, management can identify areas for improvement and implement targeted strategies to enhance operational excellence.

About Emphorasoft: 

At Emphorasoft, we are a certified Oracle NetSuite Solution Provider, dedicated to helping businesses unlock the full potential of NetSuite Advanced Manufacturing. With our deep expertise and industry knowledge, we can assist you in implementing and optimizing the solution to meet your unique manufacturing requirements.


NetSuite Advanced Manufacturing is a solution designed by Oracle NetSuite to address the challenges faced by manufacturing companies. It streamlines production processes, enhances efficiency, and ensures compliance, empowering businesses to optimize their production capabilities and stay competitive.

Advanced Manufacturing streamlines production processes by offering tools such as Work Orders and Routings, which provide clear instructions and sequences for manufacturing tasks. This ensures that every step of the production process is well-defined and optimized, leading to improved efficiency and productivity.

MRP functionality in NetSuite Advanced Manufacturing allows companies to forecast material needs accurately based on various factors like sales orders and inventory levels. By ensuring the availability of the right materials at the right time, MRP minimizes delays and reduces the risk of stockouts, ensuring uninterrupted production operations.

Capacity Planning helps companies optimize resource allocation and production schedules by analyzing historical data, current workloads, and future demand. This proactive approach allows businesses to identify potential capacity constraints and make informed decisions to maximize production capabilities, improve lead times, and enhance operational efficiency.

Advanced Manufacturing provides robust Shop Floor Control features, allowing real-time monitoring and management of production processes. Quality Management functionalities ensure that products meet the highest standards and comply with industry regulations, with features like Lot Traceability to track products throughout the supply chain.

Demand Planning in NetSuite Advanced Manufacturing leverages advanced algorithms and historical data to generate reliable demand forecasts. This enables businesses to anticipate future demand and adjust production plans accordingly, minimizing the risk of over-production or stockouts.

Finite Scheduling functionality considers various constraints such as machine availability and material procurement lead times to optimize production schedules. By minimizing production delays and improving throughput, Finite Scheduling enhances overall operational efficiency.

Integration with MES enables real-time visibility into production processes, while IoT integration allows businesses to monitor production equipment and sensors in real-time. These integrations facilitate data exchange, automated data capture, and predictive maintenance, enhancing operational efficiency.

Integration with MES enables real-time visibility into production processes, while IoT integration allows businesses to monitor production equipment and sensors in real-time. These integrations facilitate data exchange, automated data capture, and predictive maintenance, enhancing operational efficiency.

Advanced Manufacturing offers robust Compliance Management features, enabling businesses to maintain accurate records, manage audits, and adhere to regulatory requirements. This ensures that companies can provide documentation during audits and meet all regulatory standards.

NetSuite Advanced Manufacturing provides complete visibility and control over inventory levels, allowing businesses to optimize inventory levels, reduce carrying costs, and minimize the risk of stockouts or excess inventory. This ensures a seamless supply of materials for uninterrupted operations.

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