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Integrating NetSuite with Salesforce: A Comprehensive Guide

Updated On: 27-06-2024

Author: Emphorasoft

In the present-day high-speed business world, dissimilar systems can greatly block operational efficiency and decision making power. NetSuite and Salesforce are two very influential cloud-based operations that are commonly employed in businesses for enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM) purposes respectively. Coming together of these systems can result into integrated processes, improved visibility of data, as well as general business performance improvement.

This comprehensive guide will take you through the pros, cons and procedures for integrating NetSuite with Salesforce correctly.

Understanding Salesforce

Salesforce is a leading CRM solution renowned for its rapid rise to prominence. Designed to help companies meet their customers’ needs, this CRM platform supports managing marketing, financial services, sales, customer service, IT, finance, and commerce teams from any location at any time.

Salesforce CRM Features

Salesforce offers a wide range of powerful features, including:

  •       Marketing Management: Tools for planning, executing, and analyzing marketing campaigns.
  •       Salesforce Installation: Easy setup and customization to fit your business needs.
  •       Customer Care and Support Automation: Streamlined processes for managing customer inquiries and support tickets.
  •       Company Social Media: Integrated social media management to engage with customers and prospects.
  •       Record Life Cycle Management: Comprehensive tools for managing the entire lifecycle of Salesforce CRM records.

Technical Capabilities

From a technical standpoint, Salesforce provides a robust environment for developers. Salesforce Functions, a service that allows programmers to create applications that interact with the platform’s events and data, can be run on demand using an elastic scale in a serverless environment. This capability enables developers to build scalable applications without worrying about infrastructure management.

Benefits of Integrating NetSuite with Salesforce

Unified Data

Constant and Contemporary Information: To sync data between these two platforms, one need to connect NetSuite CRM and Salesforce CRM. Once client information is updated in one system, it becomes automatically synchronized in another. This ensures that there are no discrepancies or silos of data thus making sure that every department has equal access to the same accurate information.

Improved Data Accuracy: Having a single source of truth reduces the risk of error that may come from manual inputting of data. Sales team finance, customer service and finance rely on this precision when they make decisions for their operations.

Better Reporting and Analytics: When data is unified, reporting and analytics become more holistic. Companies are able to create reports which include sales as well as financial records thereby showing performance metrics holistically and aiding in strategic planning.

Improved Efficiency

Reduced Manual Data Entry: Automating the data transfer between NetSuite and Salesforce gets rid of the need for double entry of data. This not only saves time, but also reduces mistakes that come with manual keying in.

Streamlined Workflows: For example, when a sales order is made in Salesforce, it can lead to procedures in NetSuite like inventory updates and invoicing without people having to intervene.

Faster Response Times: Automated data updates allow workers to get current information fast hence rapid response to clients’ queries or operational changes. Therefore, this flexibility can increase customer satisfaction as well as enhance effectiveness during operations.

Enhanced Customer Insights

Holistic Customer View: Integrating ERP (NetSuite) and CRM (Salesforce) systems provides a 360-degree view of each customer. Sales teams can see not only the interaction history and communication but also financial details like purchase history, outstanding invoices, and payment status.

Personalized Customer Service: With comprehensive customer insights, businesses can tailor their services to meet individual customer needs more effectively. Understanding customer behavior, preferences, and purchasing patterns enables more personalized marketing and customer service strategies.

Improved Customer Retention: Enhanced insights into customer interactions and financial data help businesses identify trends and potential issues early. This proactive approach can improve customer satisfaction and retention rates by addressing concerns before they escalate.

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Streamlined Processes

Order-to-Cash Automation: Integration allows for seamless automation of the order-to-cash process. Sales orders created in Salesforce can automatically flow into NetSuite for order fulfillment, billing, and payment processing. This reduces manual handling and speeds up the cash conversion cycle.

Lead-to-Customer Conversion: Automating the lead-to-customer process ensures that leads generated in Salesforce are tracked and converted efficiently. Once a lead is converted into a customer, the information is synchronized with NetSuite, streamlining onboarding and subsequent transactions.

Quote-to-Order Efficiency: When sales teams generate quotes in Salesforce, the integration can automatically convert accepted quotes into sales orders in NetSuite. This eliminates the need for redundant data entry and ensures a smooth transition from sales to fulfillment.


Supporting Business Growth: As businesses grow, the volume of data and transactions increases. Integrated systems can handle this growth more effectively than siloed systems, allowing businesses to scale operations without significant changes to their IT infrastructure.

Flexibility to Add New Features: Integration provides a flexible foundation for adding new features and capabilities. Businesses can introduce new modules, such as advanced analytics or additional automation tools, without disrupting existing workflows.

Adaptable to Changing Needs: An integrated system is better equipped to adapt to changing business needs and market conditions. Whether expanding into new markets, launching new products, or adjusting to regulatory changes, integrated systems can support these transitions smoothly.

Challenges of Integrating NetSuite with Salesforce

1.Data Mapping Complexity: Ensuring that data fields in NetSuite match those in Salesforce can be complex, especially if custom fields are involved.

2.Real-Time Synchronization: Maintaining real-time data synchronization requires robust integration solutions to handle data loads and minimize latency.

3.System Customizations: Both systems are highly customizable. Ensuring that these customizations are compatible during integration is crucial.

4.User Training: Users need to understand how the integrated system works and how to leverage it for maximum benefit.

5.Cost and Resources: Integration can be resource-intensive, requiring time and financial investment in the right tools and expertise.

Steps to Integrate NetSuite with Salesforce

  1. Define Your Integration Objectives

Start by identifying the specific business processes you want to streamline and the data points you need to synchronize. Common integration points include:

  • Customer information
  • Order details
  • Inventory levels
  • Financial data
  • Lead and opportunity management
  1. Choose the Right Integration Tool

There are several integration tools available that can facilitate the connection between NetSuite and Salesforce. Popular options include:

  • Dell Boomi: A cloud-based integration platform that supports real-time data synchronization and offers pre-built connectors for NetSuite and Salesforce.
  • MuleSoft: An integration platform that provides tools for building application networks, including connectors for both NetSuite and Salesforce.
  • Celigo: Specifically designed for integrating NetSuite with various applications, including Salesforce. It offers pre-built integration templates and customization options.
  • Jitterbit: Provides a range of integration solutions with user-friendly interfaces and robust functionality for connecting NetSuite and Salesforce.
  1. Map Data Fields

Identify and map the data fields between NetSuite and Salesforce. This step involves aligning fields such as:

  • Customer records (name, contact details, address)
  • Order information (order number, product details, pricing)
  • Inventory data (product availability, stock levels)
  • Financial details (invoices, payments, credit terms)
  1. Configure Data Flows

Define the direction of data flow (one-way or bi-directional) and set up rules for data synchronization. For example:

  • When a new customer is added in Salesforce, create a corresponding record in NetSuite.
  • Update order status in Salesforce when an order is fulfilled in NetSuite.
  • Synchronize inventory levels from NetSuite to Salesforce in real-time.
  1. Test the Integration

Before going live, thoroughly test the integration in a sandbox environment. Validate data accuracy, test different scenarios, and ensure that the integration performs as expected without disrupting existing workflows.

  1. Monitor and Optimize

Once the integration is live, continuously monitor its performance. Use monitoring tools to track data synchronization, identify any issues, and optimize the integration as needed. Regular audits and updates can help maintain seamless integration and accommodate any changes in business processes or system upgrades.

Strategies for Effective Integration

Integrating NetSuite and Salesforce effectively requires a well-thought-out strategy. Here are the foundational strategies essential for a seamless integration:

Real-time vs. Batch Integration

Real-time Integration: This method ensures instant data synchronization between NetSuite and Salesforce, making it ideal for customer-facing applications where up-to-date information is critical. For example, when a new order is placed in Salesforce, it is immediately reflected in NetSuite, enabling prompt order processing and customer service.

Batch Integration: Suitable for handling large data volumes, batch integration involves scheduled data transfers at predefined intervals (e.g., hourly, daily). This method is beneficial for non-urgent data updates, such as nightly synchronization of financial records or inventory levels. Batch integration reduces the load on systems during peak hours and can be more efficient for certain operations.

Project Management in Salesforce Integration

Effective Project Management: A structured approach to project management is crucial for a successful integration. Key aspects include:

  • Clear Objectives: Define the goals of the integration, such as improved data accuracy, streamlined processes, or enhanced customer insights.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Involve key stakeholders from both IT and business departments to ensure the integration aligns with business needs.
  • Detailed Planning: Develop a comprehensive project plan that outlines the scope, timeline, resources, and milestones. Use project management tools to track progress and manage tasks.
  • Risk Management: Identify potential risks and develop mitigation strategies. Regularly review and update the risk management plan throughout the project.
  • Testing and Validation: Conduct thorough testing in a sandbox environment to ensure the integration works as expected. Validate data accuracy, system performance, and user acceptance before going live.

Data Migration Challenges and Solutions

Data Migration Challenges

Data migration can be complex, involving significant challenges such as:

  • Data Quality: Ensuring that data from both systems is clean and accurate before migration is essential. Poor data quality can lead to errors and inconsistencies post-migration.
  • Field Mapping: Aligning data fields between NetSuite and Salesforce requires careful planning, especially if there are custom fields or data structures.
  • System Compatibility: Ensure that the systems can communicate effectively and that the integration tool or middleware supports the required data formats and protocols.

Solutions for Smooth Data Migration:
•Data Audit and Cleaning: Perform a thorough audit of the data in both systems. Clean up any duplicates, incomplete records, or errors to ensure data integrity.

  • Field Mapping Documentation: Create detailed documentation of the field mappings between NetSuite and Salesforce. This should include data types, field names, and any transformation rules.
  • Incremental Migration: Consider migrating data in stages rather than all at once. This approach allows for easier identification and resolution of issues as they arise.
  • Testing and Validation: Conduct multiple rounds of testing during the migration process. Validate that data has been accurately transferred and that it functions correctly within the integrated system.
  • Post-Migration Monitoring: After the migration, continuously monitor the integrated system for any issues. Implement automated alerts for data discrepancies and regularly review system logs.

Best Practices for NetSuite and Salesforce Integration

1.Start Small: Begin with integrating a few critical data points and gradually expand as needed. This approach helps manage complexity and reduces the risk of errors.

2.Maintain Data Quality: Ensure that data in both systems is clean and accurate before integration. Implement data validation rules to maintain data integrity.

3.Leverage APIs: Utilize the robust APIs provided by NetSuite and Salesforce to facilitate integration. This ensures better compatibility and future-proofs your integration against system updates.

4.Document Processes: Maintain thorough documentation of the integration process, including data mappings, workflows, and any customizations. This aids in troubleshooting and future enhancements.

5.Engage Stakeholders: Involve key stakeholders from both the IT and business teams to ensure the integration aligns with business goals and addresses user needs.

EmphoraSoft: Your Best Partner for Integrating NetSuite with Salesforce CRM

Integrating NetSuite with Salesforce can transform your business operations by providing a unified view of customer and financial data, streamlining processes, and enhancing overall efficiency. EmphoraSoft stands out as the best partner for this integration, offering expertise, proven methodologies, and the right tools to ensure a seamless and effective integration process. By choosing EmphoraSoft, you can confidently overcome challenges and fully realize the benefits of a connected ERP and CRM system.


Integrating NetSuite with Salesforce provides unified data, improved operational efficiency, enhanced customer insights, and streamlined business processes.

Salesforce offers marketing management, sales automation, customer care and support automation, social media integration, and record life cycle management.

NetSuite ERP automates workflows, enhances operational efficiency, and provides real-time visibility into business operations, making it a key tool for digital transformation.

Benefits include unified data, improved data accuracy, better reporting and analytics, reduced manual data entry, streamlined workflows, faster response times, holistic customer views, personalized customer service, and improved customer retention.

Challenges include data mapping complexity, maintaining real-time synchronization, ensuring system customizations are compatible, user training, and managing integration costs and resources.

Steps include defining integration objectives, choosing the right integration tool, mapping data fields, configuring data flows, testing the integration, and monitoring and optimizing the integration.

Popular integration tools include Dell Boomi, MuleSoft, Celigo, and Jitterbit.

Businesses should perform a thorough data audit and cleaning, create detailed field mapping documentation, conduct incremental migration, and perform rigorous testing and validation.

Essential strategies include choosing between real-time and batch integration, effective project management, and addressing data migration challenges.

Real-time integration ensures instant data synchronization between NetSuite and Salesforce, which is ideal for customer-facing applications requiring up-to-date information.

Batch integration is suitable for handling large data volumes and involves scheduled data transfers at predefined intervals, reducing system load during peak hours.

EmphoraSoft offers expertise, proven methodologies, and the right tools to ensure a seamless and effective integration process, helping businesses fully realize the benefits of a connected ERP and CRM system.