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NetSuite Advanced Revenue Management: Simplifying Complex Revenue Streams

Updated On: 27-06-2024

Author: Emphorasoft

The task of managing revenue streams has become increasingly intricate in today’s fast shifting business environment. Companies have to deal with the disruption of revenue recognition, volatile accounting standards, and different income sources. Moreover, these issues are also compounded by the flexibility in global markets, real-time financial insights, and regulatory modifications. However, as businesses expand and diversify their product portfolios; management of revenue becomes overwhelming that may lead to inaccuracies and compliance risks.

NetSuite Advanced Revenue Management (ARM) is a powerful solution that simplifies all these complexities. NetSuite ARM is an integrated suite which automates and streamlines the processes involved in managing revenues ensuring compliance with new accounting rules like ASC 606 as well as IFRS 15. With the application of NetSuite ARM; companies can automate forecasting, allocation, recognition, reclassification and audit controls thus minimizing manual work and cutting down on chances of mistakes or errors being made in this process

Understanding Revenue Management Problems

Revenue management isn’t just about keeping track of income; it’s about making sure every dollar is recognized and reported accurately according to complex standards like ASC 606 and IFRS 15. This task is critical but often challenging due to various inherent complexities. Let’s dive into the common problems businesses face in managing revenue and why it’s so tough.

Many Streams of Revenues

Modern businesses don’t just earn money from one source. They have multiple revenue streams, each with its own rules for how and when revenue should be recognized:

Product Sales: Revenue from selling physical products is recognized when the customer takes control of the product.

Subscription Services: Subscription revenue is spread over the period of the subscription, meaning careful tracking of start and end dates is crucial.

Licensing: Licensing can involve upfront payments, royalties, or both, each requiring different methods for recognizing revenue.

Professional Services: For services, revenue is recognized as the services are performed, needing a detailed approach to track progress.

Bundled Goods/Services: When products and services are sold together, recognizing revenue becomes tricky because each component might have different recognition criteria.

Complex Contracts

Contracts often make revenue recognition more complicated:

Multiple Performance Obligations: A single contract can have several deliverables, each needing separate recognition.

Variable Considerations: Contracts might include things like discounts, rebates, or performance bonuses that affect the total recognized revenue.

Bundled Goods/Services: When different goods and services are bundled in a contract, allocating the transaction price to each obligation requires careful analysis.

Adherence to Accounting Standards

Keeping up with accounting standards is no small feat:

Constantly Changing Regulations: Standards like ASC 606 and IFRS 15 are complex and frequently updated, forcing businesses to continually adjust their processes.

Detailed Documentation: Compliance requires thorough documentation of every revenue transaction, including the assumptions and judgments made during recognition.

Internal Controls: Strong internal controls are necessary to ensure policies are applied consistently and to prevent errors or non-compliance.

Manual Processes as a Challenge

Relying on manual processes for revenue management introduces several issues:

Errors: Manual calculations and data entry are susceptible to human error, leading to incorrect revenue reporting.

Inefficiencies: Manual processes take a lot of time, pulling valuable resources away from strategic financial planning and analysis.

Delayed Reporting: The time needed to manually process and verify revenue data can delay financial reporting, which hampers timely decision-making.

Scalability Issues: As businesses grow, manual processes become unmanageable, leading to bottlenecks and inefficiencies.

Key Features of NetSuite Advanced Revenue Management

  1. Automated Revenue Recognition

NetSuite ARM automates the revenue recognition process, ensuring that revenue is recognized accurately and consistently. Key capabilities include:

Revenue Recognition Rules: Define revenue recognition rules based on accounting standards, enabling automated recognition for various revenue types.

Flexible Schedules: Create flexible revenue recognition schedules that can be applied to different types of contracts and performance obligations.

Accurate Allocation: Allocate revenue accurately across multiple performance obligations based on standalone selling prices or other allocation methods.

  1. Support for Multiple Revenue Streams

NetSuite ARM is designed to handle diverse revenue streams, including:

Product Sales: Recognize revenue from product sales based on delivery or other predefined criteria.

Subscription Services: Manage subscription-based revenue with automated billing and recognition schedules.

Licensing: Handle complex licensing agreements with revenue recognition based on usage, milestones, or time.

Professional Services: Recognize revenue for professional services based on project milestones, time, or other criteria.

  1. Contract Management

NetSuite ARM provides comprehensive contract management capabilities, allowing businesses to manage complex contracts with ease:

Contract Creation: Create and manage contracts with multiple performance obligations, variable considerations, and custom billing schedules.

Contract Modifications: Handle contract modifications, such as changes in scope, pricing, or performance obligations, with automated revenue adjustments.

Bundled Products/Services: Manage contracts that involve bundled products or services, ensuring accurate allocation and recognition of revenue.

  1. Compliance with Accounting Standards

NetSuite ARM is designed to ensure compliance with accounting standards such as ASC 606 and IFRS 15:

Dual-Book Accounting: Maintain separate books for different accounting standards, allowing for parallel reporting and compliance.

Disclosure Reporting: Generate comprehensive disclosure reports required by accounting standards, providing transparency into revenue recognition practices.

Audit Trail: Maintain a detailed audit trail of all revenue transactions, ensuring traceability and compliance with regulatory requirements.


  1. Real-Time Revenue Insights

NetSuite ARM provides real-time visibility into revenue performance, enabling better decision-making and strategic planning:

Dashboards and Reports: Access customizable dashboards and reports that provide insights into revenue trends, forecasts, and performance metrics.

Revenue Forecasting: Generate accurate revenue forecasts based on historical data, current contracts, and future projections.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Track key performance indicators related to revenue, such as deferred revenue, revenue backlog, and billing schedules.

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Benefits of NetSuite Advanced Revenue Management

Implementing NetSuite Advanced Revenue Management (ARM) offers numerous benefits for businesses looking to simplify and optimize their revenue management processes. These benefits can have a transformative impact on financial operations, compliance, and strategic planning.

Improved Accuracy and Efficiency

Automation of Revenue Processes: By automating revenue recognition and management processes, NetSuite ARM eliminates the need for manual calculations, which are often time-consuming and prone to human error.

Accurate Financial Reporting: The automation ensures that revenue is recognized accurately and timely, leading to precise financial reports that reflect the true financial health of the organization.

Streamlined Operations: Automation reduces administrative burdens on finance teams, allowing them to focus on more strategic tasks rather than repetitive, error-prone manual work.

Enhanced Compliance

Adherence to Accounting Standards: NetSuite ARM is built to comply with the latest accounting standards, including ASC 606 and IFRS 15. This ensures that businesses meet regulatory requirements without the need for constant manual updates.

Risk Mitigation: By ensuring compliance, businesses can avoid costly penalties and legal repercussions associated with non-compliance, safeguarding the company’s reputation and financial standing.

Audit Readiness: The solution provides clear audit trails and detailed transaction records, making it easier to prepare for and undergo financial audits.

Greater Flexibility

Customizable Revenue Recognition Rules: NetSuite ARM allows businesses to define flexible revenue recognition rules and schedules tailored to their specific needs, accommodating various types of revenue streams and contract terms.

Complex Contract Management: The system can handle complex contracts with multiple performance obligations, variable considerations, and tiered pricing models, providing a comprehensive solution for diverse business scenarios.

Adaptability: Businesses can easily adjust revenue recognition methods as their needs evolve, without being constrained by rigid systems.

Real-Time Visibility

Dynamic Dashboards and Reports: NetSuite ARM offers real-time dashboards and customizable reports, providing immediate access to key financial metrics and revenue performance indicators.

Revenue Forecasting: Advanced forecasting capabilities allow businesses to predict future revenue trends with greater accuracy, aiding in strategic planning and resource allocation.

Informed Decision-Making: Real-time insights enable business leaders to make data-driven decisions, identify opportunities for growth, and respond swiftly to market changes.


Support for Growth: NetSuite ARM is designed to scale with your business, supporting expansion into new markets, the introduction of new products and services, and the acquisition of new customer segments.

Efficient Revenue Management: As the business grows, NetSuite ARM ensures that revenue management processes remain efficient, reducing the risk of bottlenecks and maintaining high levels of accuracy.

Future-Proofing: The solution is built to accommodate future changes in accounting standards and business models, ensuring long-term sustainability and adaptability.

Best Practices for Implementing NetSuite Advanced Revenue Management

To maximize the benefits of NetSuite ARM, businesses should consider the following best practices during implementation:

  1. Define Clear Revenue Recognition Policies

Before implementing NetSuite ARM, define clear revenue recognition policies based on applicable accounting standards and business requirements. This includes identifying performance obligations, determining revenue allocation methods, and setting recognition schedules.

  1. Conduct a Comprehensive Data Migration

Ensure that all relevant data, including contracts, billing schedules, and historical revenue transactions, is accurately migrated to NetSuite ARM. This is crucial for maintaining data integrity and ensuring a smooth transition.

  1. Train Your Team

Provide comprehensive training for your finance, sales, and operations teams on using NetSuite ARM. This ensures that all stakeholders understand the system’s capabilities and can effectively leverage its features.

  1. Leverage Customization Capabilities

NetSuite ARM offers extensive customization capabilities. Leverage these to tailor the system to your specific business needs, including custom revenue recognition rules, reports, and dashboards.

  1. Monitor and Optimize

Continuously monitor the performance of NetSuite ARM and make necessary adjustments to optimize revenue management processes. Regularly review KPIs, revenue forecasts, and compliance reports to ensure ongoing accuracy and efficiency.


NetSuite Advanced Revenue Management (ARM) stands out as a robust solution that streamlines complex revenue streams and elevates revenue management for businesses. By automating revenue recognition, supporting diverse revenue streams, ensuring compliance, and delivering real-time insights, NetSuite ARM equips businesses to handle intricate revenue management challenges with ease.

Implementing NetSuite ARM through EmphoraSoft, the leading NetSuite Partner, ensures the highest level of expertise and support. EmphoraSoft’s unparalleled knowledge and experience in NetSuite solutions guarantee improved accuracy, efficiency, and compliance, driving strategic growth and success. For businesses aiming to revolutionize their revenue management processes and excel in today’s competitive market, EmphoraSoft and NetSuite ARM provide the essential tools and capabilities to achieve these objectives.


NetSuite ARM is a comprehensive solution designed to automate and streamline revenue management processes, ensuring compliance with accounting standards like ASC 606 and IFRS 15.

NetSuite ARM supports diverse revenue streams such as product sales, subscription services, licensing, and professional services by automating revenue recognition based on specific criteria for each stream.

Automation reduces manual work, minimizes errors, ensures timely and accurate financial reporting, and frees up resources for strategic tasks.

NetSuite ARM manages contracts with multiple performance obligations, variable considerations, and bundled goods/services, ensuring accurate revenue allocation and recognition.

NetSuite ARM complies with major accounting standards such as ASC 606 and IFRS 15, maintaining dual-book accounting and generating necessary disclosure reports.

Yes, NetSuite ARM offers real-time dashboards and customizable reports, providing insights into revenue trends, forecasts, and key performance indicators.

By automating processes, NetSuite ARM eliminates manual calculations and data entry errors, leading to more accurate financial reports and streamlined operations.

EmphoraSoft, a leading NetSuite Partner, provides expert implementation and support services, ensuring businesses maximize the benefits of NetSuite ARM.

NetSuite ARM is designed to scale with business growth, accommodating new markets, products, services, and customer segments without compromising efficiency.

Key practices include defining clear revenue recognition policies, conducting comprehensive data migration, training teams, leveraging customization capabilities, and continuously monitoring and optimizing performance.

NetSuite ARM keeps up with regulatory updates, maintaining compliance through detailed documentation, audit trails, and adherence to current accounting standards.

Yes, NetSuite ARM includes advanced forecasting capabilities, enabling businesses to predict future revenue trends accurately and support strategic planning.

NetSuite ARM allows businesses to customize revenue recognition rules, reports, and dashboards to meet specific needs, ensuring flexibility and adaptability in revenue management.