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NetSuite for Media and Publishing: Managing Content and Subscriptions

Updated On: 28-06-2024

Author: Emphorasoft

The media and publishing industry has undergone a seismic shift over the past two decades. The transition from print to digital, the proliferation of online content, and the rise of mobile applications have reshaped how content is created, distributed, and consumed. In this dynamic environment, managing content and subscriptions efficiently has become paramount for success. Enter NetSuite, a robust cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution that offers comprehensive tools for managing content, subscriptions, and much more.

Content Management

Content is the lifeblood of media and publishing companies. Effective content management involves not only creating high-quality content but also organizing, storing, and distributing it efficiently. NetSuite provides a unified platform for content management, allowing publishers to streamline their workflows and ensure that content is accessible and manageable.

Digital Asset Management

Digital assets, including images, videos, and documents, are central to content creation. NetSuite’s Digital Asset Management (DAM) capabilities enable publishers to store, organize, and retrieve digital assets with ease. By providing a centralized repository, NetSuite ensures that assets are accessible to the right people at the right time, reducing redundancy and improving productivity.

DAM is essential for maintaining the integrity and quality of content. NetSuite’s DAM features include metadata tagging, version control, and access permissions, which help maintain organization and control over digital assets. With these tools, publishers can quickly find and repurpose existing content, which is crucial for meeting tight deadlines and maintaining a consistent brand voice.

Subscription Management

In the era of digital media, subscription models have become a vital revenue stream for publishers. Managing subscriptions effectively involves overseeing billing, renewals, and customer relationships. NetSuite offers robust tools for subscription management, allowing publishers to handle complex subscription models and provide a seamless experience for subscribers.

Subscription Billing

Accurate and timely billing is crucial for maintaining subscriber trust and ensuring steady revenue. NetSuite’s Subscription Billing module automates the billing process, handling recurring payments, proration, and adjustments effortlessly. This automation reduces manual errors and ensures that subscribers are billed correctly and on time.

With customizable billing cycles, NetSuite allows publishers to offer various subscription plans, such as monthly, quarterly, or annual subscriptions. Automated invoicing and payment processing enhance efficiency, while integrated payment gateways ensure secure transactions. By automating these processes, publishers can reduce administrative overhead and focus on strategic growth initiatives.

Recurring Revenue Management

Recurring revenue is a cornerstone of subscription-based businesses. NetSuite provides tools to manage recurring revenue streams, offering insights into revenue trends and helping publishers forecast future revenue. By automating revenue recognition, NetSuite ensures compliance with accounting standards and provides a clear picture of financial health.

Revenue Recognition

Proper revenue recognition is essential for financial accuracy and regulatory compliance. NetSuite’s revenue recognition capabilities ensure that revenue is recognized correctly, whether it comes from subscriptions, advertising, or other sources. This accuracy is crucial for maintaining investor confidence and meeting regulatory requirements.

NetSuite supports various revenue recognition methods, such as time-based, event-based, and percentage-of-completion, ensuring flexibility for different business models. The platform’s integration with other financial modules enables seamless tracking and reporting, providing a holistic view of the organization’s financial performance.

Royalty Management

For publishers dealing with multiple content creators, managing royalties can be a complex task. NetSuite simplifies royalty management by automating calculations and payments. This automation ensures that content creators are compensated accurately and on time, fostering positive relationships and encouraging high-quality content production.

NetSuite’s Royalty Management module can handle various royalty structures, including flat rates, percentages, and tiered royalties. The platform provides detailed reports on royalty expenses, helping publishers manage budgets and forecast future costs. By streamlining royalty management, NetSuite allows publishers to maintain transparency and trust with their contributors.

Rights and Permissions Management

Managing rights and permissions is crucial for avoiding legal issues and maximizing the value of content. NetSuite provides tools to track and manage rights, ensuring that publishers can easily see who owns what rights and where permissions are required. This capability is essential for navigating the complex landscape of content distribution and licensing.

NetSuite’s Rights and Permissions Management module includes features for tracking licensing agreements, managing expiration dates, and monitoring usage rights. These tools help publishers ensure compliance with contractual obligations and avoid costly legal disputes. By centralizing rights management, NetSuite provides a clear view of content usage and opportunities for monetization.

Advertising and Sponsorships

Advertising and sponsorships are significant revenue streams for media companies. NetSuite supports the management of advertising campaigns, from sales to execution and performance tracking. By integrating advertising management with other business processes, NetSuite enables publishers to maximize ad revenue and deliver value to sponsors.

NetSuite’s advertising management features include tools for managing ad inventory, tracking ad performance, and generating reports. These capabilities allow publishers to optimize ad placements and pricing, ensuring maximum revenue. Additionally, the platform’s CRM integration helps manage advertiser relationships and streamline communication.

Circulation Management

For publishers still operating in the print domain, managing circulation efficiently is vital. NetSuite’s Circulation Management tools help publishers track print runs, manage subscriptions, and handle distribution logistics. This capability ensures that print publications reach their audience on time and in good condition.

NetSuite’s circulation management features include tools for managing subscription lists, coordinating with printing vendors, and tracking delivery performance. By automating these processes, publishers can reduce errors and improve the reliability of their print operations. This efficiency is crucial for maintaining subscriber satisfaction and loyalty.

Distribution Management

Efficient distribution is critical for both print and digital publishers. NetSuite’s Distribution Management tools provide visibility into the distribution process, helping publishers manage logistics, track shipments, and optimize delivery routes. This visibility ensures that content reaches its audience efficiently, whether in print or digital format.

NetSuite’s distribution management features include integration with shipping carriers, real-time tracking, and automated notifications. These tools help publishers ensure timely deliveries and manage costs. By optimizing distribution processes, publishers can improve customer satisfaction and reduce operational expenses.

Print and Digital Publishing

Balancing print and digital publishing can be challenging. NetSuite offers tools to manage both formats, providing a unified platform for content creation, distribution, and monetization. By supporting both print and digital workflows, NetSuite enables publishers to reach a broader audience and maximize revenue opportunities.

NetSuite’s multi-channel publishing capabilities allow publishers to deliver content across various platforms, including websites, mobile apps, and social media. The platform’s content management features support version control, ensuring consistency across all channels. By providing a seamless publishing experience, NetSuite helps publishers adapt to the evolving media landscape.

Ecommerce Integration

Ecommerce has become an essential component of the media and publishing industry. NetSuite integrates seamlessly with ecommerce platforms, enabling publishers to sell subscriptions, merchandise, and digital content online. This integration provides a cohesive shopping experience for customers and helps publishers capture additional revenue streams.

NetSuite’s ecommerce integration includes tools for managing product catalogs, processing orders, and handling payments. These features support various ecommerce models, including one-time purchases and recurring subscriptions. By integrating ecommerce with other business processes, NetSuite helps publishers streamline operations and enhance customer experiences.

Online Subscriptions

Managing online subscriptions involves handling billing, renewals, and customer interactions. NetSuite’s tools for online subscription management ensure that these processes are automated and efficient, providing a seamless experience for subscribers and reducing the administrative burden on publishers.

NetSuite’s online subscription management features include tools for managing customer accounts, processing renewals, and handling cancellations. These capabilities help publishers maintain accurate subscriber data and provide timely customer support. By automating subscription management, NetSuite allows publishers to focus on content creation and growth strategies.

Mobile Applications

Mobile applications are a critical channel for content consumption. NetSuite supports the development and management of mobile apps, providing tools for content delivery, subscription management, and user engagement. By supporting mobile channels, NetSuite helps publishers reach audiences on the go and stay relevant in an increasingly mobile world.

NetSuite’s mobile app management features include tools for push notifications, in-app purchases, and analytics. These capabilities help publishers engage users and drive revenue through mobile channels. By integrating mobile app management with other business processes, NetSuite ensures a cohesive and efficient operation.

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Marketing Automation

Effective marketing is essential for attracting and retaining subscribers. NetSuite’s Marketing Automation tools enable publishers to plan, execute, and analyze marketing campaigns across multiple channels. This automation helps publishers reach the right audience with the right message, driving engagement and subscription growth.

Lead Management

Generating and managing leads is a crucial aspect of subscription growth. NetSuite’s Lead Management capabilities allow publishers to capture, track, and nurture leads through the sales funnel. By automating lead management, NetSuite helps publishers convert prospects into loyal subscribers.

NetSuite’s lead management features include tools for lead scoring, segmentation, and automated follow-ups. These capabilities help publishers prioritize high-potential leads and provide personalized communication. By streamlining lead management, NetSuite enhances sales efficiency and improves conversion rates.

Campaign Management

Running successful marketing campaigns requires careful planning and execution. NetSuite’s Campaign Management tools provide a centralized platform for designing, executing, and measuring campaigns. This capability ensures that marketing efforts are aligned with business goals and delivers a high return on investment.

NetSuite’s campaign management features include tools for A/B testing, email marketing, and social media integration. These capabilities allow publishers to optimize campaigns and reach their target audience effectively. By providing detailed analytics, NetSuite helps publishers measure campaign performance and make data-driven decisions.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Building strong relationships with subscribers is key to long-term success. NetSuite’s CRM tools provide a comprehensive view of customer interactions, helping publishers understand subscriber needs and preferences. This insight allows publishers to deliver personalized experiences and foster subscriber loyalty.

NetSuite’s CRM features include tools for managing customer profiles, tracking interactions, and handling support requests. These capabilities help publishers provide timely and relevant communication, enhancing subscriber satisfaction. By integrating CRM with other business processes, NetSuite ensures a cohesive and efficient operation.

Analytics and Reporting

Data-driven decision-making is essential in today’s media landscape. NetSuite’s Analytics and Reporting tools provide real-time insights into key performance indicators, helping publishers track performance and identify opportunities for improvement. By leveraging data, publishers can make informed decisions and drive business growth.

NetSuite’s analytics and reporting features include customizable dashboards, real-time data visualization, and advanced reporting capabilities. These tools help publishers monitor business performance and identify trends. By providing actionable insights, NetSuite empowers publishers to optimize operations and achieve strategic goals.

Multi-Channel Publishing

Reaching audiences across multiple channels is crucial for maximizing content distribution. NetSuite supports multi-channel publishing, enabling publishers to deliver content through websites, mobile apps, social media, and more. This capability ensures that content reaches a diverse audience and meets readers where they are.

NetSuite’s multi-channel publishing features include tools for managing content workflows, ensuring consistency across channels, and tracking performance. These capabilities help publishers optimize content distribution and engage with their audience effectively. By supporting multi-channel publishing, NetSuite enables publishers to expand their reach and enhance their brand presence.

Multi-Currency and Multi-Language

For publishers operating in global markets, supporting multiple currencies and languages is essential. NetSuite’s Multi-Currency and Multi-Language capabilities enable publishers to manage international operations seamlessly, ensuring that content and subscriptions are accessible to audiences worldwide.

NetSuite’s multi-currency features include tools for managing exchange rates, handling international transactions, and generating financial reports in multiple currencies. The platform’s multi-language capabilities support content translation and localization, ensuring a consistent experience for global audiences. By providing these features, NetSuite helps publishers expand their global footprint and reach new markets.

Accounting and Financials

Accurate accounting and financial management are crucial for business stability. NetSuite’s accounting tools provide comprehensive support for financial processes, including invoicing, expense management, and financial reporting. By automating these processes, NetSuite ensures financial accuracy and compliance.

NetSuite’s accounting features include tools for managing accounts payable and receivable, reconciling bank statements, and generating financial statements. These capabilities help publishers maintain accurate financial records and streamline financial operations. By integrating accounting with other business processes, NetSuite ensures a cohesive and efficient operation.

Tax Compliance

Navigating tax regulations is complex, especially for publishers with global operations. NetSuite’s Tax Compliance tools help publishers manage tax obligations, ensuring compliance with local and international regulations. This capability reduces the risk of penalties and ensures that tax processes are efficient and accurate.

NetSuite’s tax compliance features include tools for managing tax rates, calculating tax liabilities, and generating tax reports. These capabilities help publishers ensure accurate tax filings and maintain compliance with regulatory requirements. By automating tax processes, NetSuite reduces administrative overhead and enhances financial accuracy.

Contract Management

Managing contracts with content creators, advertisers, and other stakeholders is a critical task. NetSuite’s Contract Management tools provide a centralized platform for tracking contract terms, obligations, and renewals. This capability ensures that contracts are managed efficiently and reduces the risk of legal issues.

NetSuite’s contract management features include tools for creating, storing, and tracking contracts. These capabilities help publishers ensure compliance with contractual obligations and manage renewals proactively. By centralizing contract management, NetSuite provides a clear view of contractual relationships and opportunities for optimization.

Workflow Automation

Automating workflows is essential for improving efficiency and reducing manual effort. NetSuite’s Workflow Automation tools enable publishers to streamline business processes, from content creation to subscription management. This automation ensures that tasks are completed accurately and on time, freeing up resources for strategic initiatives.

NetSuite’s workflow automation features include tools for designing and managing automated workflows, integrating with other business processes, and monitoring workflow performance. These capabilities help publishers reduce manual errors and improve operational efficiency. By automating repetitive tasks, NetSuite allows publishers to focus on strategic growth and innovation.


NetSuite offers a comprehensive suite of tools tailored to the needs of media and publishing companies. By providing robust solutions for content management, subscription management, royalty management, advertising, and more, NetSuite empowers publishers to navigate the complexities of the modern media landscape. With NetSuite, publishers can streamline operations, maximize revenue, and deliver exceptional experiences to their audience. As the media and publishing industry continues to evolve, NetSuite stands as a reliable partner, helping publishers adapt and thrive in a digital-first world.

From managing digital assets to automating workflows, NetSuite provides the tools and capabilities that modern publishers need to succeed. By leveraging NetSuite’s comprehensive platform, publishers can focus on what they do best – creating and delivering high-quality content that engages and delights their audience. As the industry continues to change, NetSuite remains committed to supporting the growth and success of media and publishing companies worldwide.


NetSuite is a cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution that offers comprehensive tools for managing various business operations. For the media and publishing industry, it provides capabilities for content management, subscription management, digital asset management, revenue recognition, royalty management, advertising, and more. These tools help publishers streamline operations, maximize revenue, and deliver exceptional experiences to their audience.

NetSuite provides a unified platform for content management, enabling publishers to streamline their workflows and ensure that content is accessible and manageable. It includes features such as metadata tagging, version control, and access permissions, which help maintain organization and control over digital assets. This allows publishers to create, organize, store, and distribute high-quality content efficiently.

NetSuite’s DAM capabilities allow publishers to store, organize, and retrieve digital assets like images, videos, and documents with ease. By providing a centralized repository, NetSuite ensures that assets are accessible to the right people at the right time, reducing redundancy and improving productivity. Features like metadata tagging, version control, and access permissions help maintain the integrity and quality of digital assets.

NetSuite offers robust tools for managing subscriptions, including subscription billing and recurring revenue management. It automates the billing process, handles recurring payments, proration, and adjustments, and provides customizable billing cycles. This automation reduces manual errors and ensures accurate and timely billing, enhancing subscriber trust and ensuring steady revenue.

Revenue recognition is the process of recording revenue accurately and in accordance with accounting standards. NetSuite’s revenue recognition capabilities ensure that revenue from subscriptions, advertising, and other sources is recognized correctly. It supports various methods like time-based, event-based, and percentage-of-completion, providing flexibility for different business models and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

NetSuite simplifies royalty management by automating the calculation and payment processes. It handles various royalty structures, including flat rates, percentages, and tiered royalties, ensuring that content creators are compensated accurately and on time. This fosters positive relationships with contributors and helps maintain high-quality content production.

NetSuite supports the management of advertising campaigns, from sales to execution and performance tracking. It includes tools for managing ad inventory, tracking ad performance, and generating reports. These features allow publishers to optimize ad placements and pricing, maximize ad revenue, and deliver value to sponsors. The platform’s CRM integration also helps manage advertiser relationships and streamline communication.

For print publications, NetSuite’s Circulation Management tools help publishers track print runs, manage subscriptions, and handle distribution logistics. For both print and digital formats, its Distribution Management tools provide visibility into the distribution process, manage logistics, track shipments, and optimize delivery routes. This ensures efficient and timely content delivery, improving customer satisfaction and reducing operational costs.

 NetSuite supports the development and management of mobile apps, offering tools for content delivery, subscription management, and user engagement. Features include push notifications, in-app purchases, and analytics. These capabilities help publishers engage users and drive revenue through mobile channels, ensuring they reach audiences on the go and stay relevant in an increasingly mobile world.

NetSuite integrates seamlessly with ecommerce platforms, enabling publishers to sell subscriptions, merchandise, and digital content online. It includes tools for managing product catalogs, processing orders, and handling payments, supporting various ecommerce models like one-time purchases and recurring subscriptions. This integration provides a cohesive shopping experience for customers and helps publishers capture additional revenue streams.