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NetSuite for Wholesale Distribution: Improving Operational Efficiency

Updated On: 27-06-2024

Author: Emphorasoft

In today’s fast-paced business environment, wholesale distributors face numerous challenges, from managing complex supply chains to meeting ever-changing customer demands. To stay competitive, distributors need robust, integrated solutions that can streamline operations, improve visibility, and drive growth. NetSuite, a leading cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) platform, offers a comprehensive suite of tools tailored specifically for the wholesale distribution industry. This article explores how NetSuite’s features can significantly improve operational efficiency across all aspects of a wholesale distribution business.

Streamlining Inventory Management

At the core of any wholesale distribution business is effective inventory management. NetSuite’s inventory management capabilities provide real-time visibility and control over stock levels, helping distributors optimize their inventory and reduce carrying costs.

  1. Real-Time Inventory Tracking

NetSuite offers real-time tracking of inventory across multiple locations, providing:

  • Accurate stock levels at all times
  • Visibility into inventory in transit
  • Automated reorder points and safety stock calculations
  • Multi-location inventory transfers

This real-time visibility helps prevent stockouts and overstocking, improving cash flow and customer satisfaction.

  1. Lot and Serial Tracking

For distributors dealing with perishable goods or products requiring traceability, NetSuite provides:

  • Lot and serial number tracking
  • Expiration date management
  • First-In-First-Out (FIFO) and Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) inventory costing
  • Recall management capabilities

These features ensure compliance with industry regulations and enable efficient handling of product recalls when necessary.

  1. Bin Management

Efficient warehouse organization is crucial for distributors. NetSuite’s bin management features include:

  • Multiple bin types (picking, overstock, staging)
  • Bin replenishment rules
  • Putaway and picking strategies
  • Mobile bin management for warehouse staff

By optimizing bin management, distributors can improve picking efficiency and reduce warehouse labor costs.

  1. Barcoding and Scanning

NetSuite supports various barcoding and scanning technologies, enabling:

  • Rapid receiving and putaway processes
  • Accurate order picking and packing
  • Cycle counting and physical inventory
  • Integration with handheld scanners and mobile devices

These capabilities significantly reduce errors and improve overall warehouse efficiency.

Enhancing Order Management and Fulfillment

Efficient order management is critical for wholesale distributors. NetSuite’s order management system provides end-to-end visibility and control over the entire order lifecycle.

  1. Automated Order Processing

NetSuite streamlines order processing by:

  • Automatically converting quotes to sales orders
  • Validating customer credit limits and item availability
  • Applying customer-specific pricing and discounts
  • Generating pick, pack, and ship instructions

This automation reduces manual data entry errors and speeds up the order fulfillment process.

  1. Multi-Channel Order Management

For distributors selling through multiple channels, NetSuite offers:

  • Centralized order management across all sales channels
  • Integration with ecommerce platforms and marketplaces
  • Support for EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) transactions
  • Order allocation rules for multi-location fulfillment

This unified approach ensures consistent order processing regardless of the sales channel.

  1. Drop Shipping

NetSuite supports drop shipping workflows, allowing distributors to:

  • Automatically route orders to suppliers for direct fulfillment
  • Track drop ship orders and shipments
  • Manage supplier invoices and payments
  • Provide real-time order status to customers

Drop shipping capabilities help distributors expand their product offerings without increasing inventory carrying costs.

  1. Kitting and Assemblies

For distributors offering product kits or assemblies, NetSuite provides:

  • Bill of Materials (BOM) management
  • Kit and assembly building processes
  • Disassembly and component return handling
  • Costing for kits and assemblies

These features enable distributors to efficiently manage complex product offerings and optimize inventory levels.

Optimizing Procurement and Purchasing

Effective procurement is essential for maintaining optimal inventory levels and controlling costs. NetSuite’s procurement and purchasing features help distributors streamline their supply chain operations.

  1. Demand Planning and Forecasting

NetSuite’s demand planning tools enable distributors to:

  • Generate accurate demand forecasts based on historical data and trends
  • Account for seasonality and promotional events
  • Create sales and operations plans (S&OP)
  • Collaborate with suppliers on future demand

By improving forecast accuracy, distributors can optimize inventory levels and reduce stockouts.

  1. Automated Replenishment Planning

NetSuite automates the replenishment process by:

  • Generating purchase orders based on demand forecasts and reorder points
  • Suggesting optimal order quantities and timing
  • Consolidating orders across multiple locations
  • Providing visibility into upcoming stock requirements

This automation helps maintain optimal inventory levels while reducing manual workload.

  1. Supplier Management

NetSuite offers comprehensive supplier management capabilities, including:

  • Supplier performance tracking and scorecards
  • Supplier price lists and contracts management
  • Request for Quote (RFQ) processes
  • Supplier portals for self-service and collaboration

These features help distributors build stronger relationships with suppliers and negotiate better terms.

  1. Purchase Order Management

NetSuite streamlines the purchase order process with:

  • Automated PO creation based on replenishment rules
  • Approval workflows for purchase orders
  • Three-way matching of POs, receipts, and vendor bills
  • Vendor returns and credit management

By automating these processes, distributors can reduce errors and improve overall procurement efficiency.

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Enhancing Sales and Customer Management

Effective sales and customer management are crucial for growth in the wholesale distribution industry. NetSuite provides a range of tools to help distributors manage their sales processes and customer relationships.

  • Pricing and Promotions Management

NetSuite offers flexible pricing capabilities, including:

  • Customer-specific pricing and volume discounts
  • Tiered pricing structures
  • Promotional pricing and coupon management
  • Price lists for different markets or channels

These features allow distributors to implement complex pricing strategies and respond quickly to market changes.

  • Rebate Management

For distributors dealing with manufacturer rebates, NetSuite provides:

  • Rebate program setup and tracking
  • Automated rebate calculations
  • Accrual management for expected rebates
  • Rebate claim processing and reconciliation

Effective rebate management ensures distributors maximize their profit margins and maintain accurate financial reporting.

  • Commissions Management

NetSuite’s commission management features include:

  • Flexible commission plan setup
  • Automated commission calculations
  • Integration with payroll systems
  • Commission reporting and analysis

These capabilities help motivate sales teams and ensure accurate and timely commission payments.

  • Customer Portals

NetSuite enables distributors to offer self-service customer portals, providing:

  • Online ordering capabilities
  • Real-time inventory availability
  • Order status tracking
  • Account statement and invoice access

Customer portals improve customer satisfaction while reducing the workload on customer service teams.

Streamlining Shipping and Fulfillment

Efficient shipping and fulfillment processes are critical for wholesale distributors. NetSuite offers a range of features to optimize these operations.

  • Integrated Shipping

NetSuite integrates with major shipping carriers, offering:

  • Real-time rate shopping
  • Automated shipping label and documentation generation
  • Tracking number assignment and communication
  • Shipping cost allocation to orders

This integration streamlines the shipping process and helps control shipping costs.

  • Warehouse Management

NetSuite’s warehouse management capabilities include:

  • Directed putaway and picking strategies
  • Wave and batch picking
  • Cross-docking capabilities
  • Mobile warehouse management apps

These features help optimize warehouse operations and improve overall efficiency.

  1. Returns and Refunds Management

NetSuite streamlines the returns process with:

  • Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) management
  • Automated refund processing
  • Return-to-vendor (RTV) handling
  • Restocking and disposition management

Efficient returns management improves customer satisfaction and helps control costs associated with returns.

Leveraging Business Intelligence and Analytics

In today’s data-driven business environment, access to actionable insights is crucial. NetSuite provides powerful business intelligence and analytics tools to help distributors make informed decisions.

  • Real-Time Dashboards

NetSuite offers customizable dashboards that provide:

  • Key performance indicators (KPIs) at a glance
  • Real-time visibility into sales, inventory, and financial metrics
  • Drill-down capabilities for detailed analysis
  • Role-based dashboards for different user types

These dashboards enable quick decision-making based on up-to-date information.

  • Advanced Reporting

NetSuite’s reporting capabilities include:

  • Standard and custom report creation
  • Saved searches for frequently used queries
  • Scheduled report generation and distribution
  • Export capabilities to Excel and other formats

These reporting tools provide deep insights into all aspects of the distribution business.

  • Predictive Analytics

NetSuite leverages machine learning and AI to offer predictive analytics, including:

  • Demand forecasting
  • Inventory optimization recommendations
  • Customer churn prediction
  • Profitability analysis by customer, product, or channel

These predictive capabilities help distributors stay ahead of market trends and optimize their operations proactively.

Ensuring Compliance and Financial Control

Wholesale distributors must navigate complex regulatory environments and maintain strict financial controls. NetSuite provides robust features to support these requirements.

  • Multi-Entity and Multi-Currency Management

For distributors operating across multiple locations or countries, NetSuite offers:

  • Multi-subsidiary consolidation
  • Multi-currency transactions and reporting
  • Intercompany transaction management
  • Localized tax compliance for different jurisdictions

These capabilities ensure accurate financial reporting and compliance across complex organizational structures.

  • Tax Management

NetSuite’s tax management features include:

  • Automated tax calculation based on location and product type
  • Support for various tax types (sales tax, VAT, GST)
  • Tax reporting and filing capabilities
  • Integration with third-party tax engines for complex scenarios

These features help ensure tax compliance and reduce the risk of costly errors.

  • Regulatory Compliance

NetSuite supports compliance with various industry regulations, offering:

  • Audit trails and change logs
  • Role-based access controls
  • Compliance reporting tools
  • Support for industry-specific requirements (e.g., FDA, REACH)

These compliance features help distributors meet regulatory requirements and reduce compliance-related risks.

Enabling Mobile and Ecommerce Integration

In today’s digital age, mobile capabilities and ecommerce integration are essential for wholesale distributors. NetSuite provides robust solutions in these areas.

  • Mobile Solutions

NetSuite’s mobile apps allow distributors to:

  • Access real-time data on the go
  • Process orders and approve transactions
  • Manage warehouse operations via mobile devices
  • Conduct field sales activities

These mobile capabilities improve productivity and enable real-time decision-making.

  • Ecommerce Integration

NetSuite offers seamless integration with ecommerce platforms, providing:

  • Real-time inventory synchronization
  • Order management across online and offline channels
  • Customer data integration
  • Unified reporting across all sales channels

This integration enables distributors to expand their reach and provide a seamless omnichannel experience to customers.

Conclusion: Transforming Wholesale Distribution with NetSuite

In an increasingly competitive landscape, wholesale distributors must continuously seek ways to improve operational efficiency and drive growth. NetSuite’s comprehensive suite of features tailored for the wholesale distribution industry provides a powerful platform to achieve these goals.

By leveraging NetSuite’s capabilities in areas such as:

  • Inventory management
  • Order processing and fulfillment
  • Procurement and purchasing
  • Sales and customer management
  • Shipping and warehouse operations
  • Business intelligence and analytics
  • Financial management and compliance
  • Mobile and ecommerce integration

Wholesale distributors can transform their operations, improving efficiency, reducing costs, and enhancing customer satisfaction. The platform’s cloud-based nature ensures that all stakeholders have access to real-time information, facilitating better decision-making and collaboration across the organization.

Moreover, NetSuite’s scalability and flexibility make it suitable for distributors of all sizes, from small local operators to large multinational distribution companies. As businesses grow and expand into new markets or product lines, NetSuite can adapt to meet their evolving needs.

In an industry where margins can be tight and competition fierce, having a robust, integrated system like NetSuite can make the difference between success and failure. By providing a single source of truth for all business data, NetSuite empowers wholesale distributors to:

  • Optimize inventory levels and reduce carrying costs
  • Streamline order processing and fulfillment
  • Improve supplier relationships and procurement efficiency
  • Enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty
  • Make data-driven decisions based on real-time insights
  • Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements
  • Scale operations efficiently to support growth

As the wholesale distribution industry continues to evolve in response to changing market dynamics and technological advancements, NetSuite’s commitment to innovation ensures that its distribution-specific features will continue to meet the industry’s needs. By adopting NetSuite, wholesale distributors can build a solid technological foundation to support their growth and success in the years to come.


NetSuite is a leading cloud-based ERP platform that offers comprehensive tools tailored for wholesale distribution. It benefits distributors by streamlining operations, improving visibility, and driving growth through integrated inventory management, order processing, procurement, sales, shipping, and analytics features.

NetSuite is a leading cloud-based ERP platform that offers comprehensive tools tailored for wholesale distribution. It benefits distributors by streamlining operations, improving visibility, and driving growth through integrated inventory management, order processing, procurement, sales, shipping, and analytics features.

NetSuite’s order management system includes automated order processing, multi-channel order management, drop shipping support, and kitting and assembly management. These capabilities streamline the entire order lifecycle, reduce manual errors, and ensure efficient fulfillment.

NetSuite enhances procurement through demand planning and forecasting, automated replenishment planning, comprehensive supplier management, and streamlined purchase order management. These tools help distributors maintain optimal inventory levels, control costs, and build stronger supplier relationships.

NetSuite offers flexible pricing and promotions management, rebate management, commissions management, and customer portals. These features enable distributors to implement complex pricing strategies, manage rebates efficiently, motivate sales teams, and provide better customer service.

NetSuite integrates with major shipping carriers for real-time rate shopping and automated shipping label generation. It also includes warehouse management capabilities like directed putaway and picking strategies, wave and batch picking, and mobile warehouse management apps, optimizing overall shipping efficiency.

NetSuite provides customizable real-time dashboards, advanced reporting, and predictive analytics. These tools offer insights into key performance indicators, sales, inventory, and financial metrics, enabling distributors to make informed, data-driven decisions.

NetSuite supports multi-entity and multi-currency management, automated tax calculation, regulatory compliance reporting, and role-based access controls. These features help distributors maintain accurate financial reporting, ensure tax compliance, and meet industry-specific regulatory requirements.

Yes, NetSuite offers mobile solutions for accessing real-time data, processing orders, and managing warehouse operations on the go. It also integrates seamlessly with ecommerce platforms, providing real-time inventory synchronization, unified order management, and comprehensive customer data integration.

NetSuite is highly scalable and flexible, making it suitable for distributors of all sizes, from small local operators to large multinational companies. As businesses grow and expand, NetSuite adapts to meet evolving needs, ensuring efficient operations and support for long-term growth.